
Male Extra vs VigRX 2021

Male Extra and VigRX male enhancement pills are popular in the market because they compare very closely to Viagra and similar prescription products Using them, as opposed to using Viagra, is beneficial because users get the same effect without the trouble of getting a prescription.

When it comes to male enhancement supplements it is difficult to distinguish between two different brands. There are many similarities between male extra and VigRX however there are some differences between the two that will influence your decision to buy one or the other.

The results that you will see by following each program are the same: bigger orgasms for both the man and the woman, more control and stamina, bigger erections, and an increase in sex drive and desire.

One stated advantage of VigRX plus is that there will be a frequency in the orgasms themselves. This benefit does not indicate whether it is the male or female participant especially.

Ingredients of VigRx Plus and Male Extra

When it comes to ingredients male extra takes a natural supplements approach and uses the following: pomegranate 70% ellagic for erection hardness, Muira Pauma 150mg for sexual arousal, L-Arginine is an essential amino acid for hard erections, MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) 100mg fro overall penis health, Epimedium Sagittatum 50mg to increase blood flow, Tongkat Ali 20:1 extract 50mg to increase sexual desire, Flaxseed 50mg which increases sperm health and blood flow, Maca 25mg to boost sex drive, L-Methionine 25mg for ATP level increases, Cordyceps 5mg which improves sexual energy and desire and Omega 3 Fatty Acid 25mg which is vital to growth and sexual health.

In contrast VigRX contains the following: bioperine which increases herbal absorption rates, damiana a known aphrodisiac, puncture vine to increase libido, epimedium leaf extract as a libido enhancer, gingko leaf for mental alertness, asian red ginseng for excess energy, saw palmetto berry a sexual stimulant and aphrodisiac, muira pauma bark extract which restores sexual virility, catuba bark extract which promotes erotic dreaming and hawthorn berry to relax your arteries.

The wide difference in ingredients between the two products comes down to the approach towards the ingredients. Male extra likes to include ingredients that are naturally sourced and a high amount of ingredients involved. VigRx is more concerned with effectiveness of sexual performance with the ingredients chosen.

Money back guarantees

When it comes to money back guarantees Male Extra has a definite extensive money back guarantee of 180 days. All they ask is that you try the product for 90 days and you need to have purchased at least a 90 day supply of product. This gives the user a long trial period and a very extensive period to return the product for a full refund.

The refund requires any full or empty boxes of product. VigRx has a policy of requiring the user to purchase 60 days of product, the product can be returned within 67 days of purchase and get all the money back less shipping costs.

Side Effects of VigRx and Male Extra

Side effects are not listed with Male Extra pills as there is not an available clinical trial listed. VigRx plus does post clinical trials in which it is shown that side effects include ejaculation latency, increased testosterone, and smaller liver and kidneys in tests with rats.


When it comes to price the following comparisons hold for Male Extra: 12 months $458.95, 6 months $298.95, 5 months $268.95, 4 months $228.95, 3 months $198.95, 2 months $148.95, and 1 month $75.95.

For VigRx: 12 months $489.95, 6 months $384.95, 5 months $329, 4 months $267, 3 months $205, 2 months $143, and 1 month $76. Shipping costs are included for Male Extra and VigRx if ordering within the USA.

The country of origin for Male Extra is not listed but VigRx is made in China.

Free Bonuses included when you purchase VigRx and Male Extra

Finally, bonuses are also a consideration when trying to decide which product to purchase, with Male Extra a purchase gets you free shipping, penis health online access and a penis health DVD.

For VigRx the bonuses are based on the quantities you purchase including: 4 months and over for men only exercise card, 25$ better sex mall card, erection fitness website membership, for 5 months supply or more bottle semenax volume enhancer and for 6 or more supply you get a bottle of nemus pheromones.

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